While it is against Tag League Association Inc policies and guidelines to discriminate, harass, exclude, or inappropriately treat any player or stakeholder in our sport, we are aware that some in the Tag League player community have been told by other sporting bodies, codes, or organisations that they can't play or be selected to participate in representative competitions in that sport due to their association with Tag League.

This behavior from other sporting organisations is a clear breach of several of your rights. Click here for a summary of the Legal Rights of Tag League players.

While the Tag League Association Inc can address its concerns with offending parties, it is often the players themselves who can best respond to the apparent unlawful and inappropriate activity. This is due to the fact that most rights being breached are those of the players’ themselves. By taking your matter further yourself, you can enforce and advocate for your rights and often resolve the issue in a prompt, fair, and transparent way.

Your action and any resolution may also benefit your fellow players.

The Tag League Association Inc has developed this guide to assist any player who has been treated unfairly. The guide includes a step-by-step process, as well as some template letters/documents to utilise to seek a result.

If told by another sporting code, body, or organisation that you can’t play their game due to your involvement with Tag League, you should follow the broad steps below:

  1. Inform the Tag League Association Inc in writing.

    This fully confidential communication will alert the Association to the conduct you are experiencing and will result in tailored and specific information regarding your issue. For ease of use, you can email: manager@tagleague.com.au
    Your communication should include information such as what was said, by whom it was said, when it was said, who else heard the person say it, and what you want done about it. The more specific the information, the better it can be dealt with.
    This information will be reviewed in full and complete confidence. A response from the Tag League Association Inc will be sent back to you for your review within 5 working days.
    Further action may include legal proceedings being brought against the other party. Your involvement in any further action is voluntary, though the identification and the evidence of your experience would obviously assist should any matter proceed to a formal process or litigation.

  2. Complain to the other sporting code, body or organization.

    We assume that other sporting organisations take their legal, regulatory, and ethical responsibilities as seriously as the Tag League Association does. Therefore, out of fairness, the offending party should be informed of your experience and advised of your requirements by way of a resolution.
    The corporate or head office of the other party should be the contact address for the purposes of this stage of the process. The legal name and formal address of the other party should be ascertainable via a web search. If not, call the Tag League Association Inc, or email manager@tagleague.com.au for assistance.
    We have prepared a draft Letter of Complaint template which we hope is a helpful start for you, see link below. Please refer any further questions to the Tag League Association Inc.
    Keep a copy of your letter and the tracking number if sending by post (use Express Post envelopes which allow tracking).
    Post the original to the other organization, and send a copy to the Tag League Association Inc.
    Forward a copy of any response through to the Tag League Association for record keeping.

    Click here to download the draft Letter of Complaint template that we hope assists.

  3. Complain to the consumer watchdog in your State or Territory, or to the Federal competition regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

    If the other organisation does not suitably resolve your complaint as requested in your letter, you should elevate your complaint to the appropriate State or Territory consumer watchdog, or go directly to the Federal regulator, the ACCC.

    List of State & Territory agencies:


    ACCC online complaint form:


  4. Contribute to a Tag League Association Inc complaint.

    If your issue and experience is shared by enough of your fellow Tag League players, you could still contribute to a complaint brought by the Tag League Association Inc in its own right and on behalf of all players.
    Any such co-ordinated action would seek to exert your rights as players, as well as setting out the specific anti-competitive behavior experienced by the Association in its own right.
    As is most often the case with Court matters, the quality and quantity of evidence in a party’s favour will often result in a more favourable outcome. Therefore, the Association would benefit from a statement from you regarding your experiences. In the past, ad-hoc and anonymous evidence has held back the Association and limited our options.
    If wishing to assist and contribute to the Tag League Association Inc’s complaint, please draft and send in a Statement for review and compiling into a single complaint.

    Click here for a draft Statement template that we hope assists.

  5. Consider Legal Proceedings.

    Legal proceedings are often expensive and take time to resolve. As such, litigation as a form of dispute resolution is often a last resort for the injured party in what is a user-pays system.
    If you do wish to enforce your rights in a litigated dispute, you should consult and consider your own legal advice. The Tag League Association Inc has a panel of suitably experienced solicitors to refer you onto, if requested.