Tag League Rules

Click Here for a copy of the Tag League 2015 Rule Book.

Tag League is not affiliated with Oztag and is conducted to a different set of rules to Oztag.

Click Here for a brief description of the differences between Tag League and Oztag.

Rules at a glance:

The Basics
  • Tag League is a non tackling version of Rugby League.
  • Maximum of 8 players at any one time. Mixed competitions are played with 4 guys and 4 girls.
  • Defender/s must remove one or both tags to stop attackers progress. He/She then drops the tag on the ground marking where the play the ball should occur.
  • There is a marker in the play the ball.
  • Defence must be back seven metres.
  • Defensive line can move forward only when dummy half touches the ball. Dummy half can run and be tagged with the ball.
  • Six tags/plays to promote ball before changeover. 
  • An attacker must stop and play the ball if he is in possession with only one tag on.
  • The only persons able to promote the ball with one tag on are the dummy half, and the player taking the tap (as long as they do not take more than one step with the ball.
  • A knock back is play on, knock on advantage rule applies – same as Rugby League.
  • The game is non-contact, the attacker cannot deliberately bump into defender. A defender cannot change direction and move into attackers path. Whoever initiates contact will be penalised.The onus is on the attacking player to avoid the defender.
  • The ball carrier is not allowed to protect his tag or fend off defenders.
  • Simultaneous tag is play on. (If the referee is unable to decide, the pass is allowed – play on. The advantage goes to attacking team.)
  • A try is awarded to the attacking team when they ground the ball on or over the try line.
  • An attacker may not pass the ball once he has run over his/her try-line. If the ball is dropped in goal, the ball is deemed dead. A player in possession may run behind his/her try-line and back out into the field of play.
  • Players can dive to score a try, however, if this player touches the ground with the knees or arms before the try line or slides across the line and a defender is within tagging distance a try is disallowed and a tag is counted.
  • A team may kick the ball before the initial tag is made. (eg: a team picks up the ball in general play from a kickoff, knock- on, loose ball etc. may kick the ball before being tagged) Once a tag has been made, the ball may not be kicked again till after the fourth tag.
  • Kicks in general play should be below the shoulder height of the referee. Attacking team cannot dive on a kicked ball in any situation, but can kick on.
  • Chip Kicks are allowed, but only the kicker can regather the ball either in the air or off the ground. Failure to do so results in a turn over of the ball where the kick was made.
  • Kick offs and line drop outs. If the ball lands in the field of play and then rolls across the try line whether touched or not a line drop out occurs. Try line is the dead ball line for all kicks.
  • A team may elect to kick for touch off a line drop out. If the ball successfully lands in the field of play and goes into touch within or beyond ten metres of the half way line, the team that kicked the ball will be awarded a play the ball ten meters in from the touch line where the ball crossed.
  • Half Ten. If an attacking player punt kicks (on an allowable kick play) from within their half of the field and the ball finds touch within ten meters from the opposing goal line, the team that kicked the ball will be awarded a play the ball ten meters in from the touch line where the ball crossed.
  • If the ball is kicked or passed into the referee, the referee will order a changeover at the position where he was struck.
  • Tag League places significant emphasis on the “Spirit of the Game” covenant which, in summary, involves respect for :
    • Your opponent
    • Your own captain and team
    • The role of the referee
    • The game and its values
  • Misconduct covers the behaviour and attitude of players on the field that breach this covenant and may result in a penalty, sin bin or dismissal.
  • The Tag League Association has a standard set of penalties administered against persons dismissed. This entails automatic suspension, plus additional suspension from competitions for periods of time depending on the nature of the offense.
  • In extreme cases this can also include removal from competitions without refund.
  • All participants are also subject to the laws of Australia which govern behaviors such as Harassment, Discrimination and Violence.

If you have any questions related to Senior Tag League Rules, please send an email to: Manager@TagLeague.com.au