Team Conduct & Responsibilities
- Participants are to play with a spirit of Fun & Fair Play at all times.
- No player is to take the field under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Referee’s or supervisors will instruct players suspected of being intoxicated to leave, exercising their duty of care in the process.
- No jewellery is to be worn, including but not limited to neck laces, watches or bracelets, piercing rings or studs & rings (other than simple bands). Security of items that need to be removed is the responsibility of the player. Items that cannot be removed will need to be taped for the protection of participants. Hoodies/Jackets can be worn with the hood and draw strings tucked away. Hats can be worn, but peaks must be facing backwards. Hats with drawstrings must be removed.
- Players should trim finger nails to not extend beyond the length of the finger. This is for the protection of the player from injury as well as the other participants from scratching.
- Participants should familiarise themselves with the rules & play in accordance with rules.
- Participants must conduct themselves in a civil manner, & not engage in anti-social behaviour such as intimidating behaviour, sledging, swearing, spitting, fighting.
- Participants are reminded that Australian law specifically prohibits behaviours such as;
Bullying, which is unwelcome & offensive behaviour that intimidates, humiliates &/or undermines a person or group. Bullying involves a persistent pattern of behaviour over a period of time & may include verbal abuse, physical assault, unjustified criticism, sarcasm, insult, spreading false or malicious rumours about someone, isolating or ignoring a person, & sabotaging someone’s efforts or their ability to contribute.
Discrimination,which is treating someone unfairly or unequally simply because they belong to a group or category of people. Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious beliefs, political conviction, gender history, impairment, age or sexual orientation.
Harassment,which is any unwelcome & uninvited comment or action that results in a person being intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. Equal opportunity laws prohibit harassment on the grounds of sex & race.
Racial Harassment,whichoccurs when a person is threatened, abused, insulted or taunted in relation to their race, descent or nationality, colour, language or ethnic origin, or a racial characteristic. It may include derogatory remarks, innuendo & slur, intolerance, mimicry or mockery, displays of material prejudicial to a particular race, racial jokes, or singling someone out for unfair treatment.
Sexual Harassment, which is any verbal or physical sexual conduct that is unwelcome & uninvited. It may include kissing, embracing, patting, pinching, touching, leering or gestures, questions about a person’s private or sexual life, requests for sexual favours, smutty jokes, phone calls, emails, or messages, offensive noises or displays of sexually graphic or suggestive material.
Assault,which is a person who strikes, touches, or moves, or otherwise applies force of any kind to another person, either directly or indirectly, without the other person’s consent, or with the other person’s consent if the consent is obtained by fraud, or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens to apply similar force under such circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present ability to effect the threat, is said to assault that other person.
- Coaches, supporters & participants who attend a game but are off field must conduct themselves in an equally civil manner or will be asked to leave. The referee can stop a game & / or sanction a team based on the behaviour of team members & supporters off field.
- All participants, supporters & coaches should show respect to the supervisors & referee’s who are there for the sole purpose of facilitating games for the benefit participants.
- Supervisors & Referee’s will show respect & care for all participants & spectators.
- All coaches, supporters & participants must follow the direction of supervisors & referee’s.
- The Referee can issue penalties on field in accordance with rules & with the conduct of players. Players may be asked to leave the field for a period of time nominated by the Referee, known commonly as the Sin Bin, allowing the offending player time to cool off. If the offence warrants further action, the player may be Sent Off. In both cases a replacement cannot take the field & the team must continue short that player for either the period of time the player is in the Sin Bin or for the balance of the match if Sent Off.
- All players Sent Off face an automatic 1 week suspension & the incident will be placed on review by the convenor with an incident report completed by the Referee. If the offence is found to warrant further action, the player may face additional penalties including but not limited to further suspension & disqualification.
- Individuals will be advised of any disciplinary action via their team delegate & must comply or the team will face disqualification from the competition.
- Players will not be victimised by the convenor as a result of disciplinary action. Once a penalty has been served the matter will be deemed concluded with no further consequences.
- A record of a person or teams behaviours will be kept & will be referenced in the event of any further incident. Repeat offenders can expect higher penalties.